Tuesday, June 28, 2011

time is flying

one year ago today was the day I found out I was pregnant, what a crazy moment. I was totally unprepared to be a mother, my life change completely with two pink lines.
Audrey is also 4 months old today, growing much too fast for me!
I had to go get her all new clothes because she's now in 3-6 month and I only had a couple outfits. Resale stores are the way to go, cheap cheap stuff. I also got her a jumperoo, same one at wal-mart was 90$, got it at a resale store for 40$
she makes so many noises now, she doesn't cry when she wakes up, she starts talkin and makin noises.
I swear sometimes it sounds like she says "yeah" and when she cries really hard it sounds like she says momma.. but I'm probably just hearing things lol
she really is such a happy baby.

Justin and I had our 3 year anniversary on the 21st, what a crazy three years its been, Justin really changed my life, and I like to think I changed his.
I don't think either of us expected to find our soulmate when we met up at 4 am on a monday night, and I really don't think the drunk girl(me) falling out of the truck would someday be his wife. haha
but we just fit together, even when we disagree or he drives me insane we get over it quick and are huggin and laughin before I can remember what it was I was so mad about.
I can't imagine life without him in it, I was a wild lost little girl when I met him, 19 years old and had no direction.
He's always believed in me, he's made me into a housewife(even if I'm not a good one)and he's given me a reason to have a better life.
Justin is my best friend, no doubt, I tell him everything, I never get tired of spending time with him, or get tired of how crazy goofy he is.
We laugh together, and I can be a total dork around him and make him laugh, something I was never able to do with other guys I dated.
I love how he takes care of me and his kids, how he wants a better life, and doesn't settled.
I love how SMART he is, like right now he's studying Python, just for fun!
and of course I love that he gave me the most amazing gift of all, Audrey, my life wouldn't be complete without this amazing, beautiful baby girl.

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