Audrey Elise Crawford was born on Feb. 28th 2011 at 2:20 pm weighing 8lbs 1 oz 18.5 inches long. She has a head full of dark hair & beautiful blue eyes.
I went into the hospital Sunday night at 9 pm, they inserted Cyotec to soften my cervix, about 1 am the nurse got a lil freaked out because I was apparently having contractions( I didn't feel them) but with every contraction Audreys heartrate dropped so she gave me something to stop the contractions & let Audrey rest.
at 8:10 Dr broke my water, by 9 I was yelling for an epidural, the contractions were coming fast & hard, once I got the epidural I felt so much better, I had to lay on my right side to keep her heartrate up,& by 12 the Epidural wasn't working evenly & my back was severely hurting, I was dilated to an 8 but with every contraction her heartrate dropped from 140s to 80s . The dr & nurse explained that if regular contractions were doing that, it would very dangerous for me to push since it was my first I could push up to 2 hrs. We decided a C-section was the best thing to do.
They took me into the OR , my back was hurting so bad, they gave me the anesthesia & It freaked me out feeling my whole body go numb, it only lasted for a minute though, then I could feel contractions again, they gave me more, I could still feel the sharpness poke, gave me more.. still could feel it, so they had to put me to sleep, Justin had to wait outside.
I woke up dazed & not realizing it was done, & she was gone, I started crying asking if she was okay, if Justin was with her.
I remember congratulating on of the nurses for getting married in 4 days.
I waited for my mom & Justin back in my room, Justin showed me pictures on his phone, it still didn't seem real, I just wanted to have her next to me.
Finally about 6 pm they brought her into me. I just held her & stared...
She is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on .
I never knew I could love this much.
The hospital staff was wonderful, my nurses were great, my day nurse was named J-flo , and she was a ball of energy, she kept me smilin, & really supported me.
in recovery they constantly checked me, I never had to call.
Only annoying thing was every new person asking what happened to my arm, I seriously wanted to just tape a sign to my sling saying " fell on ice"
The pain from my surgery is a more than I thought it would be, mostly I think because you're suppose to use your arms to support you & not use your stomach , which is really hard to do when you've only got one arm.
we're home now & my mom & justin are completely amazing, changing her, feeding her.
I feel pretty useless & I've been trying not to let it upset me, but Its hard when she cries & I can't get up to go get her, we finally figured out how I can feed her though, I can't hold her to do it, but she can lay in my lap & I can do it.
okay I'm wore out, just wanted to get this all down.