Monday, October 31, 2011

Oil: do we need it?

I'm tired of hearing about how "bad" the big oil companies are, and how the oil workers are so awful, and all these stupid protesters want to stop drilling..
I'm also tired of people thinking that if we all drive electric cars we won't have to drill anymore..
do YOU know what oil makes?
Products from Petroleum
a fellow Roughneck wife posted a picture of her holding a sign and its SOOO true, the ink that protesters use to make their signs, comes from oil!
Okay we all drive electric cars.. the cars still need tires.. gotta have oil to make tires!
9 shocking things made from oil
can you live without these?

I think my husband deserves a THANK YOU for providing you with all this, he's away from me so he can drill this out of the ground and they can turn it into products for YOU
So remember next time you put on some makeup, write a note, burn a sweet smelling candle, or buy a new tire that its all possible because a roughneck is doing his job.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marriage:You Do or You Don't

What is Marriage?
a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found. Such a union, often formalized via a wedding ceremony, may also be called matrimony.
I believe too many people are rushing into marriage, and way too many people do not take it seriously. It is not a joke, or an excuse to have a party, its not like dating, where you can just decide next week you like someone else and dump the guy/girl.
Marriage is a life long commitment, a spiritual, emotional, physical, legal commitment to stand beside this person, to honor them for the rest of their life.
Even though I'd live with Justin for pretty much the beginning of our relationship, which was 3 years in June.. I still did not take marriage as a joke, it was a very big step for me. I had known he was "THE ONE" since the start, but was I ready to be married at 19,20, or 21? No. I needed to get to know who he really was, to know howe together we could handle life challenges. A wife is a different role than a girlfriend.
I'm tired of seeing girls be "engaged" 15 times to 15 different guys, is there a ring on your hand? are REALLY planning to spend the rest of your life with this guy, you've known a whole month? you don't know the person well enough to make that kinda big decision, being engaged is a promise to marry, and I hate seeing girls turn it into a "thing to do" after "being engaged" so many times, it doesn't seem as special anymore.
I'm also REALLY tired of all these on and off relationships that people think being married will make it work.
if you can't even stay together for more than a few weeks without breaking up, or fighting and one running to her moms, or kicking the other out what in the hell makes you think being married will magically make all your problems go away?
If you can't handle a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship now, you probably won't be able to handle marriage 5 years from now.
Because when you finally get tired of all the fighting and the crying and the stupid drama, guess what? you can't just "break up" and go find someone new, you have to get a divorce, go through the courts, divide things up, if you have kids, have a custody agreement.. and once you're divorced its over, you can't just decide a few days later "oh maybe I really do love them, lets be married again" nope sorry.!
I can tell you, these on and off again, constantly breaking up relationships,they never work out in the long run.. I've been there, done that.. and in the end you just keep getting back together out of comfort, and routine, because its easier to just get back together than to move on and admit its really over.. but by then you're so miserable .

Marriage is not a joke, its a big, lifetime commitment.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I'm so tired of seeing on Facebook people complaining about how broke they are, I'm NOT talking about people who are just having a hard time in life, or have had unexpected things come up, like medical bills or a car accident, I KNOW things happen and you can never plan for those things, I'm talking about all these people who a month ago were bragging about their new 51 in tv they just got, not because their other tv was broke, but because they just wanted a bigger one and are now crying about how "broke" they are ... Now Justin and I got a new Tv.. but we could AFFORD TO, and we knew it wouldn't put a strain on us, we BUDGET every month..
I see people posting pics of their new flashy car, but are living in a run down house.. how about you STOP spending money on stupid things, and SAVE.
I desperately NEEDED, not wanted, NEEDED a car, but instead of us running out and buying when we didn't have the extra money, and couldn't afford a second monthly payment at the time, we waited until the other car was paid off, we had saved up the money for a down payment and knew what we could afford to pay each month, and got a very nice car..was it worth the wait? Hell Yes.

And I'm really tired of people saying " you're just a housewife, and you just get to spend your husbands money"
Yes, I am a housewife, I'm also a Roughneck wife, whats your super power?
My husband is gone two weeks a month, thats 6 months a year.. he's gone away from me and our daughter half the time, he works 12 hr days no matter the weather, in snow, in rain, in sleet, in blistering 115 heat .. he works his ASS OFF.. for what? so that we can have a nice life, so that our bills get paid, that we have a car to drive, so we can enjoy life.
Being a roughneck wife is not an easy life by any means, I'm alone half the time, I miss my husband, I worry about him, He's gonna miss holidays and birthdays and special moments in Audreys life, but its our sacrifice.
And I don't take him for granted, I don't go on shopping sprees, I buy off brand groceries, a lot of Audreys clothes are second hand, I try to save money where I can.
I always knew growing up my parents financial situation, I never asked for the 100$ jeans or a cell phone when I was 11, my parents tried to give me everything I wanted, but I never begged for expensive things, because I was always aware of bills, and a house payment. I remember the year the Razor scooter was the "IT" thing for christmas, we walked past one in the store and I told my parents I thought it was stupid ( I actually was DYING for one, but I thought we couldn't afford it) and they said " oh so we can take it back?"
I guess the point of my ramblings is simple: Don't live beyond your means. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.. and if you do, don't bitch about how broke you are.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oh Christmas

Have YOU started shopping for Christmas? I have!
I always thought I'd be a parent who didn't spoil their child, and didn't buy them everything... yeah right I'm a mother:)
Audreys first Christmas is going to be great and I'm so excited!
I've already started shopping, buying a toy here and there, But today I got 100$ that was a late wedding/birthday gift and I went and got some bigger things for Audrey, I got her the Violet the Puppy, some shape blocks, a big Golden Books book, it has stories that I had as a child in it which I thought was neat. Got her some bows for her stocking(hey they were a 1$ you can NOT pass up bows for a buck!)a toy phone and some other things as well, her "BIG" gift is going to be an activity table, I don't wanna get too many big things since her birthday is just 2 months after Christmas.. but I want her to have a lot to open , since we'll be doing Christmas the 19th before Justin leaves(he has to work on christmas booo!) and I'll drive back to OK and do Christmas there with my family, my grandpa is 90 and I think it would mean a lot if he was there for her first Christmas:)
She'll be getting a porcelain doll, a snowglobe, and a christmas bear as well but probably from my mom... I got those every year growing up and I wanna continue the tradition.
But I'm starting now so that we won't be totally broke in December, and I plan on hitting up after Christmas sales for her Birthday presents:)
She may not remember it, but I plan on taking LOTS of pictures and I want it to be the first of many amazing holidays with my beautiful Daughter<3

7 months

a couple of Audreys 7 month photos