Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Moving on up!

So we got a house in Ft.Worth, just renting for now until we fix 3 things on Justins credit then we can buy next year. I'm excited to have a yard to let the kids play outside, and to have a bigger place 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms, lots of space for the kids! It's about 20 minutes from where we are now and about 150$ more in rent than what we pay now, but we looked and looked around our Arlington and it's just more expensive to live here, a duplex was 1250$! I've been busy packing, which is helping this hitch go by faster, I've got my dishes, my books, wall decor, and movies all packed. I took a lot of stuff to goodwill, including Audreys swing and bouncer, and sold her exersaucer and infant car seat.. I was more sad than I thought I would be, because It means she really isn't a "baby" anymore. Justin goes back to work right after we move in so I get to unpack all by myself, but everytime we've ever moved that's how its been so I guess I'm used to it.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news! Did you want to save them if y'all have any more? ;)
