Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Justin is home! finally. I was suppose to only work 6-cl but of course I got called in early and had to be at work at one which is exactly when he got home, needless to say I was not in the best mood today. especially after I was taking a shower and had some pretty bad pains in my stomach, so much i had to just sit in the shower. it didn't last too long, but it should scared me. There wasn't any blood, so i'm not extrememly worried.
Tomorrow, well since its 2 am. more like Today is my day off so I'm going to just drive over and turn in all my paperwork for the JPS network and hopefully If I ask to see someone that day I can maybe, just maybe get in to see a doctor. I hope so, I work the rest of the week and then Justin will be back at work and I won't have a vehicle.
Only thing I'm sad about is that if I do get to see the doctor and maybe hear the heartbeat Justin won't be there, since it would trouble to bring the kids along. I'll probably be waiting awhile and i'm sure they'd get restless.

I'm thinking of buying a Home Heart Doppler though, then I could hear my lil Cupcakes heartbeat anytime I want :)

Okay I should get back to bed

1 comment:

  1. It's probably nothing, especially with no blood. I hope you get to go and Justin's there too! And Lil Cupcake is the cutest little nickname!LOL
