So about a year and half ago, I got into with a good friend of mine, she had an opinion of Justin , based on our first ever fight, which she just happen to witness, we were both intoxicated at the time too. anyway I knew she didn't really like him too much, but hey she was still my friend, and she has always been a very opinionated person, but it got to the point where she was posting rude comments about him and our relationship on my Facebook, so I deleted her. I always thought it would blow over and we'd be friends again i mean friends fight right? no. a year and half later she still thinks Justin treats me bad and I'm just some push over or something idk.
anyway, we were friends for a long time so I wanted her to know I was pregnant, speaking or not she was a good friend to me through highschool,and after. I gave permission to one of my other friends to tell, since I had no way to contact her.
She replied with " I feel sorry for that Kid" ... when asked why she thought that,
"because Justin treats her bad and she's not good to Ethan and Kayley , so she won't be a good mom"
Wow that hurt, to have someone I once considered a good friend say I won't be a good mom and that I don't treat Ethan and kayley good, that hurt.
after the shock hit, I got Angry. !
I mean she hasn't talked to me in a year and half, she lives in Con. and she's never even MET Ethan and kayley. How can she say I don't treat them good??!!
If I didn't treat them good, Justin wouldn't be with me, His kids come first.
How dare she say stuff about me!
Okay that was my rant for tonight.
Any thought of still wanting to be this girls friend is COMPLETELY GONE.