Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Carter

Tomorrow is one of my best friends sons 1st birthday Carter Brooks.
I am so lucky to have a friend like Melissa, we've been friends since we were in the 1st grade, I've only seen her cry once in all the years I've known her.
when she told me she was pregnant, on my 21st birthday, I was so shocked, she was the absolute LAST person I thought would get pregnant . I have always looked at her as a sister, someone I needed to look out for, I viewed her as sheltered, pure and innocent, I know thats weird to call someone pure, but thats how I always saw her, like she was the better person, she never drank or partied hard, like I did.. she did good in school, got a scholarship, had a curfew, had a job at a law office..
anyway so 9 months passed and she went into labor, sadly I had moved to texas and couldn't be there.. Carter was born disabled, at that point I don't think I would've had the strength Melissa did, a perfect healthy normal pregnancy and BAM .. something totally unexpected happens.
Carter is probably the most precious little boy I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I know that Melissa is the most perfect mom for him.
He was the first and ONLY baby , my daughter Audrey has ever smiled at.
I am more proud of Melissa than I have ever been of anyone, for her strength, her love, her patience.
I love it when she calls and Carter talks to me on the phone, it brightens my day.

Happy Birthday Carter B
Love you sooo much!!
-Aunt Mantha

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww! Thank you =) I'm totally going to print this and put it in the baby book!
    P.s. I never knew you had a blogspot. I must follow you, ASAP.
